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Your One Stop Guide to the PMS Miss Fortune (Pushing Maniac Specialist :P)

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Your One Stop Guide to the PMS Miss Fortune (Pushing Maniac Specialist :P) Empty Your One Stop Guide to the PMS Miss Fortune (Pushing Maniac Specialist :P)

Post  Norren Mon May 21, 2012 9:13 am

Hello Hello Peeps!!

This will be my first ever guide to the perfect PMS (Pushing Maniac Specialist) Miss Fortune. The PMS MF live's up to the very awesome name she has. She can push ANY lane you put her in. She can out harass ANY champion who dares stand near her. She can farm up like a BAUWS when built right. In short, She is the lean, mean, tower-busting, champion raping machine that is built for bringing down towers and slicing off the delicious green hp bar. Without further ado, here's the one stop guide to the PMS Miss Fortune!!

Pros and Cons of the PMS Miss Fortune


- She pushes lane to the point it is near impossibru to not tower hug against her
- She can out harrass ANY ass dumb enough to stand near her
- Wanna run? She slows you down! Wanna gank her? She SLOWS YOU DOWN!! Twisted Evil
- Is that full green health bar your tower? PMS Miss Fortune actually has a hidden passive where she can Slice it in half in JUST 5 SECONDS!! (with the proper item build and skill build of course)
- Who needs a crappy ult that stuns, snipes or snares when you can friggin hit EVERYTHANG!
- She walks faster than the ninjas in LoL
- She has one of the best health scaling for any ranged AD class in the game which means she can usually outlast any 1v1 fair fights
- She has the body to make you go: affraid bounce cyclops


- To master the way of the PMS Miss Fortune, you need a good support who wards and CV well.
- Mana Hungry (for most people. For me it's Mana Worth Spending!! Twisted Evil )
- Little to no CC (pfffttt.... who needs CC when you are TOWER BUSTING like a BAUWS!!)
- Without a team that can handle 4v5 fights, it's hard to shine the most.
- May seem like a selfish way to play ad range (but trust me, winning a match is waaaaaaay better than getting 10000000/0/0 gank scores)

Item Build

Core Items:

These items are the very basics of any AD Range that depends on auto attack in my honest opinion. Item can be purchased in this order or in any order you prefer. This just seems a tad bit easier than normal.

-Doran Blade (now, most people would stack this on some mf just for the extra hp, but i find it to be redundant and a waste of space and gold)
-Beserker Greaves
-Vampiric Scepter (which you will rush it into a Bloodthirster if you are well farmed or a wriggles if you suck in last hitting)
-Infinity Edge (this bad boy is a MUST on all AD, imo)
-Wits End or Black Cleaver, depending on your farm rate.

Optional Ball Busting, Tower Smashing items:

- Tiamat (if you just wanna scare the living crap out of every grouping team. I mean, 35% splash damage? U mad, team hugging opponent?)
- Guinsoo Rageblade (Trolling? I think not with the extra 48 ap and 36% aspd!! This baby will shred any champion. Highly under rated on MF)
- Trinity Force (150% of ad as extra damage? 12% movement speed? 30% aspd? tanky stats and more mana to Q the brains out of any champions? U FRIGGIN MAD, TRI FORCE CREATOR?)
- Panthom Dancer (the aspd and walkspeed is kinda.... meh for me. The critical is useful though, but i wouldn't usually buy it. It just doesn't fit PMS MF well)

Optional 'if-your-team-seriously-can't-protect-you-or-you-just-suck-in-positioning' item:

- Guardian Angel (when one PMS-ing MF is just not enough Twisted Evil )
- Force of Nature (8% movement speed, health regen and tons of MR is quite useful when that darn LeBlanc just keeps aiming at you)
- Frozen Mallet (When you need that extra slow for kiting and that extra health to survive)

Things you should never EVER EVER get, that is commonly taken by most 'normal' MF:

- Warmog's Armor (wut? Unless you are building the Amazonian Iron Breast Miss Fortune [which i will come up with soon], i doubt you will need this. Frozen mallet is a much better option for her)
- Thornmail (Another Amazonian Iron Breast MF build. Avoid it if possible)
- Maw of Malmortius (trust me, you won't survive any ap blast even with this)
- Youmuu's Ghostblade (....mmmmmmeh. Don't think you will need any boosts it provides.)
- Madred's Bloodrazer (seriously... MF is best when pushing down towers and getting enemies to stay in their base. Don't really think it will help her in any way. The hp thingy is over rated on a NON aspd type champion.)

Tips and Tricks on how to play PMS Miss Fortune to the fullest.

1) Positioning is a MUST as a PMS MF. You need to position yourself near your team mates, but away from your enemy. As a rule of thumb, just enough so you can auto attack the closest enemy but no more nearer. Reason being, as 'tanky' as she is for an AD carry, she can and will be melted by any tanks or AP that comes too close.

2) During lane phase, try to make it so the opponent AD carry is behind something, either a minion or his own support, and Q the brains out of him/her. Don't worry about your mana. If you manage to bounce the Q off of the minion or support and land it on either the AD carry or support constantly, even a well fed Soraka will find it hard to keep up with the damage. DON'T waste your mana on using the Rain skill. It is a pussy skill that is pointless and is too flashy for my liking or for PMS mf's liking.

3) Last hit. Last hit. LAST FRIGGIN HIT EVERYTHANG!! Don't auto attack unless necessary. Wanna harrass? Use Q. It's safer and hell of a lot more scarier than any skill or auto attack she has.

4) With her naturally fast movement speed, try using your ulti on the most newest wave of minions before going back. USE THE ULTI ONLY IF YOU ARE NOT PLANNING ON A GANK AND ONLY DURING LANE PHASE! Don't go wasting it on small groups of minions.

5) Sometimes, using your ulti just to hack off half of the AD carry before a gank is much more useful than using it to finish a gank. It will ensure most of the hits will land on the enemy.

6) Ward, ward, ward, ward, and ward everyplace on the bottom map. You need to anticipate incoming junglers or AP carries. Leave no bush dark and leave no parts unseen. This will help you to push with confidence while causing the opponent jungler to lose confidence in ganking bottom lane.

7) Play safe, smart and know when to harrass. This takes practice and will show it's reward late game. Try to focus on farming and pushing towers for at least the first 35 minutes of any game. This will help your team tremendously later on.

Cool Try to avoid building PD first on MF. It's useless and she has a decent skill (W) to compensate. PD first is just a waste of gold and item slot.

9) Learn to juke. MF is naturally CC sensitive, so juking skills are a MUST if you want to go the way of PMS MF.

10) Lastly, always try to be map aware of every minion wave and lane situation. You can gank other lanes, if you are confident and have the skills, when you have your ulti. A well place ulti can devastate ANY champions.

Masteries, Runes and Summoner Skills


Standard 21/0/9 build


Mark: + 1.66 Armor Penetration (just to freak out enemies with your insane damage)
Seal: + 1.41 Armor (Trust me, this saves lives)
Glyph: + 1.34 Magic Resist (Trust me, this saves lives too)
Quintessence: + 3.08 Armor Penetration (This really makes armor stacking tanks scared of you Twisted Evil )

Summoner Skills:

Flash (When you need to disappear over that wee wall.)
Exhaust (why not heal? Well, cause you need to lower their damage while ganking or running away.)

So yeah folks. That's all for now for my awesome one stop PMS Miss Fortune guide. I will include pictures soon and show you just how AWESOME she is in ranked. Smile Do leave some comments and hope you all enjoy your LoL time Very Happy

Posts : 20
Join date : 2012-05-09
Age : 37
Location : Malaysia


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